Monday, June 8, 2015

Don't Miss: Mega Man 9's producer on making a NES game -- in 2008

In this classic 2008 interview, Capcom's Hironobu Takeshita speaks to the difficulties (and freedoms) of crafting a true retro experience, and to his vision for the future of video game development. ...

from Gamasutra News

Digital Eclipse is back with a new mission: preserve classic games

The long-dormant studio has been resuscitated with a new focus on accurately preserving classic games in a playable state, starting with its first project: a Capcom-published Mega Man omnibus. ...

from Gamasutra News

Blog: Why The Witcher III is a step forward for ethnic diversity in games

"I sympathise with Moosa, and agree that diversity in games is generally pretty dismal. But in targeting The Witcher 3, I believe that Moosa ... has inadvertently attacked the very diversity he seeks to promote." ...

from Gamasutra News