Monday, May 4, 2015

PlayStation Now continues rollout to PS3, with Vita not far behind

Sony confirms that in less than two weeks, its streaming service will roll out to the PlayStation 3... and is already playable on Vita. ...

from Gamasutra News

How Long Can I Survive Spooky's House Of Jump Scares?  Not Very.

One of my Twitter friends, who shall remain nameless, suggested I play a free early access Steam game called Spooky’s House of Jump Scares. That nameless Twitter friend is obviously trying to kill me. He almost succeeded.

from Kotaku

Dark Souls 2 fans should be wary of installing the fan-made DS2Fix patch, as players are reporting t

Dark Souls 2 fans should be wary of installing the fan-made DS2Fix patch, as players are reporting they’re being softbanned. It’s unclear if the two are linked yet. Softbanning means you can only fight or join up with other people who have been softbanned. We’ve asked Bandai Namco for comment.

from Kotaku