Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Why Are There No Raids in Destiny's House of Wolves?

Following last week's Trials of Osiris information avalanche, today Bungie revealed new details about the PvE portion of Destiny's upcoming House of Wolves expansion.

One of the biggest points of contention has been the lack of a new Raid. While the Horde Mode-like Prison of Elders will take its place, Bungie creative director Christopher Barrett said in a roundtable discussion, "I love raids. I loved playing raids, I love that kind of content. We have teams working on raids, but for House of Wolves, we wanted to focus on something that was more replaybale, something that had more variety. A different type of challenge, so it was exciting for us to create that new kind of activity."

He explained that the team wanted to "add to the kinds of activities that were in the game." He said, "You've got the Raiding experience and also this new kind of experience that we didn't have before. It was interesting for us to try and create that kind of new gameplay challenge. But hopefully it's just as challenging as the Raid content. We also wanted to have both PvE and a PvP endgame experience that could reward you with as interesting loot. That best PVP players in the world would be running around in the gear that they can only get in that mode."

Destiny lead designer Matt Sammons added that they wanted to add content that could appeal to both the "causal player and the really hardcore player."

"The bosses have these mechanics that would be sort of familiar to Raid players, but we have more of them than just the one that you played today," Sammon said. "There's six total. We think that in terms of endgame content it's going to have a lot of legs."

Since Bungie is still working on new Raids, does that mean they might be available in House of Wolves as an add-on later? Sammons clarified, "The endgame for House of Wolves consists of Prison of Elders, Trials of Osiris, and that's all. There are Raids being worked on, still, but we're not talking about them today."

Bungie is hosting a livestream for the House of Wolves expansion today where we hope to learn more about the new modes before its launch on May 19.

from GameSpot News

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